Wabash Valley Amateur Radio Association
A 501(c)(3) Corporation
Club Station
PO Box 10081
Terre Haute, IN 47801-0081

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WVARA Club Station

W9UUU operates as a portable station at various events throughout the year including, but not limited to:

  • ARRL Field Day
  • Indiana QSO Party
  • Illinois QSO Party
  • Winter Field Day

Operations often include the use of the WVARA communications trailer.

W9UUU Log Search

The table below shows our last 10 QSOs and allows you to search to see if you are in our log.
Click on the ClubLog logo in the upper, left-hand corner of the table to display the W9UUU DXCC Chart.

Copyright ©2013-2025 -- Wabash Valley Amateur Radio Association, Inc. (Updated: March 25, 2025)
Web Hosting provided by QTH.com